Financial Transparency and Accountability Policy


The Media and Migration Association (MMA) takes a firm stance against all forms of bribery and corruption. This anti-corruption policy document outlines the guiding principles and mandatory requirements for preventing, identifying, and addressing corruption within MMA’s management and operations. The policy establishes a framework designed to ensure the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and compliance across all activities and processes. This policy applies to all employees, members, volunteers, service providers, and other stakeholders. The policy ensures that all actions and decisions are conducted ethically, with strict adherence to legal obligations and internal regulations. In instances of corruption or bribery, MMA enforces thorough investigation procedures and appropriate sanctions. The association expects and acts on the principle that all its employees, members, volunteers, bodies, and partner institutions develop a stance against any form of corruption.  Media and Migration Association has zero tolerance for fraud and corruption.


Transparency: Transparency refers to a process by which reliable, timely information about existing conditions, decisions and actions relating to the activities of the organization is made accessible, visible and understandable. 

Accountability: Accountability entails the responsible use of power (resources, decision-making), acknowledging the dignity, capacity, and independence of the community in question, through effective and quality programming. Accountability is a structured relationship in which one party has the obligation to ensure that its actions and decisions are evaluated and approved by another. Accountability also implies that there are consequences if an organization fails to fulfil its responsibilities. 

Financial Transparency: Financial transparency describes the level to which an organization offers clear, accurate, and accessible information regarding its financial performance, operations, and position. It includes sharing relevant financial information openly with stakeholders, including employees and regulatory authorities. This transparency can be demonstrated through financial statements, declarations, reports, and disclosures.

Digital Transparency: Digital transparency is defined as a mechanism or condition that allows everyone to search for and access any information or data regarding any resource and sources.

The Personal Data Protection Law: The Personal Data Protection Law (GDPR) was enacted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 24 March 2016 and published in the Official Gazette on 7 April 2016, issue no. 29677. As a rule, personal data can only be processed with the explicit consent of the individual and only for a specified purpose.

  1. Introduction

     Media and Migration Association (MMA) acts with the awareness of being accountable to its communities, stakeholders, participants, and volunteers. This policy document has been developed to ensure MGD's activities are conducted within the transparency and accountability framework. MMA operates under this policy and its other policy documents of the association to ensure effective management of its financial resources; act based on ethical principles and ensure accountability to its stakeholders.

   This policy paper outlines the resources and boundaries to be developed by MMA, along with the decision-making authorities, executors, and the responsibilities of all employees and members, as well as the principles and general goals of transparency and accountability efforts. MMA values the principles of openness, transparency, responsiveness, and accountability, which can be achieved through ethical practices, transparency, and accountability towards its stakeholders. These principles form the core approach to managing and conducting its activities within MMA. In this regard, MMA consistently seeks to promote practices and structures that ensure transparent communication and ethical conduct at all levels for its stakeholders. This policy indicates as a guide for ensuring that everyone covered by this policy acts and behaves ethically, responsibly, and transparently. 

   MMA is determined to prevent fraud and deceitful practices by promoting a culture of anti-fraud and anti-corruption among official authorities, external stakeholders, implementing partners, and suppliers. MMA enforces a zero-tolerance approach towards corruption, bribery, and illegal activities.

  2. Purpose and Scope

  The purpose of this policy is to ensure and maintain transparency and accountability in all processes related to the execution of MMA’s activities, projects, and programs. This policy defines MMA’s governing bodies, employees, volunteers, donors, funders, and all stakeholders. The policy document outlines the procedures for managing processes such as fundraising, donation acceptance, procurement, and supplier management.

  The overall scope of this policy is to ensure the effective application of MMA’s transparency and accountability processes, to guarantee the proper communication of information to all stakeholders, and to ensure that MMA operates in accordance with ethical principles. This document aims to provide a foundation for decision-making processes regarding the use of all resources associated with MMA, as well as ethical working practices for employees, third-parties, partners and suppliers in conducting the activities.

  The Transparency and Accountability Policy is implemented in alignment and coordination with the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, which forms a critical and key part of this policy. MMA conducts all its activities in adherence to ethical values and develops mechanisms to prevent unethical behaviours.

    2.1. Principles 

 MMA’s principles of transparency and accountability comprise: 

3. Scope of Application

    This policy applies to all of MMA's management processes, financial activities, projects, fundraising, donations, procurement procedures, and supplier relations. The Administrative Board, board of control, Ethics Committee, employees, suppliers, and members must operate in line with the requirements of this policy.  MMA encourages all parties associated with the organisation to abide by the principles of this policy, adhere to ethical standards when representing or acting on behalf of MMA, and refrain from any behaviour that breaches the transparency and accountability stipulated in this policy paper.

  MMA and all of its affiliated bodies, employees, and service providers are committed to adhering to the highest ethical standards and will not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption. MMA evaluates the following actions under its transparency and accountability policy:

4. Responsibilities 

   All MMA employees and members have critical roles and responsibilities in preventing, detecting, and ensuring the immediate management of fraudulent and other illegal practices. All employees and members are responsible for protecting the resources and reputation entrusted to MMA. MMA’s consultants, suppliers, implementing partners, and third parties will be subject to the highest ethical standards. MMA is dedicated to fostering effective and transparent relationships with all stakeholders to create sustainable, long-term value. It seeks to contribute to communities by building relationships grounded in mutual respect and trust.

 MMA’s employees and members must not offer or accept any financial incentives or improper advantages, either directly or indirectly, for unfair or personal gain in business or financial matters. No individual within MMA is permitted to engage in behaviour that seeks to influence or appears to influence government officials, public authorities, or decision-makers by offering excessive, luxurious, or unusual gifts. Employees, members, and service providers within MMA must fully reflect the commitment to transparency and accountability. All MMA employees, including members of the Board of Directors, are required to confirm that they have read, understood, and implemented the principles of this Policy

4.1. Executive Board of MMA

The Executive Board oversees and reports on the implementation of transparency and accountability principles. Responsibilities of the Executive Board comprise following:

4.2 Board of Control

4.3. Employees

4.3. Ethic Commission 

   4.3.1. Selection and Structure of the Ethics Committee

   The Ethics Committee consists of one member each from the Executive Board and a member of the Control Board, provided there is no conflict of interest, a non-administrative member of the association, an employee, and an independent expert. The Committee meets at least once a year to review processes for compliance with ethical principles and make necessary updates.

  5. Procurement Processes

  MMA ensures transparency and fair competition in all procurement processes. The procurement procedures aim to secure products and services that meet the association’s needs with the best price and quality. The procurement processes are carried out in coordination with the Executive Board by the relevant project or program coordinator and staff responsible for administrative activities. The procurement policy includes the following components: 

Bidding and Tendering Processes: In cases MMA receives grants, the tender and quotation processes are conducted in compliance with the grant management and implementation guidelines and procedures of the donor organizations.

6. Funds and Capacity Building 

    MMA can receive funds and donations from resources that do not compromise its independence or mission. The use of funds and donations is based on the principle of transparency, and all processes are documented. The fund acquisition and donation acceptance policy contain the following elements

   6.1 Funds and Grants 

   MMA can receive grants and/ or funds through international organizations, development agencies, consulates, foundations, and individual donations. MMA can collaborate with the private sector, public institutions, and international organizations and/or entities to develop its projects and programs. In the process of fund or/and grant acquisition:


6.2 Receiving Donations 

   MMA operates in accordance with the principles of transparency and accountability during the acceptance of donations. The following criteria are taken into account for the acceptance of donations:

  7. Reporting and Auditing 

  MMA regularly reports financial and administrative processes. Annual reports are prepared, detailing how funds and donations are utilized, how projects are conducted, and how procurement processes are managed. Audits include the following stages: 

  8. Updating the Policy

 This policy is periodically reviewed and updated under the oversight of the Executive Board. Revisions are made in response to emerging needs and feedback. All employees and stakeholders are notified of the updated policy and are required to continue fulfilling their obligations.

  9. Related Policies

  This policy document is a response to MMA’s accountability and transparency obligations towards the communities it collaborates with. It will be implemented in line with MMA’s other related policy documents.

Statement of Compliance with the Code of Conduct

As an employee/member of MMA, I hereby declare that I have read and understood the Ethics, Transparency, and Accountability Policy and Code of Conduct, which apply to all my colleagues, including Executive Board members, third parties, and our stakeholders: